Contact : Georges Da Costa

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Organisation : IRIT

Projet : Scheduling of malleable HPC applications

Description du projet :

The project is offered in the framework of the French ANR-funded ENERGUMEN project. This project aims at proposing and evaluating new scheduling heuristics for malleable/reconfigurable HPC tasks (i.e. able to change the number of resources at runtime), taking into account computing requirements but also data movement that occurs during reconfiguration. We intend to study bi-objective problems using simulation, optimizing both consumed energy and a performance criterion, e.g. stretch-time, makespan. The candidate will propose scheduling and reconfiguration algorithms and will evaluate them.

This work can be considered as a follow-up of the research published in IGSC2020 ( Expected ability of the students * Scheduling * Distributed systems * Optimization techniques

Article proposé par H. Cassé.